Bredonborough Waking in the night
Waking in the night again. Jetlag from the West Coast continues.
Rising 09.30. From the bedroom, the water has visibly receded down the garden, back to where it was on Friday.
WillyFred’s bowels have been somewhat responsive to his banana breakfasts, so this morning his feeding is somewhat more conventional for one of his kind.
Into the Cellar I…
… for morning reading…
A call from the Minx, enjoying both Canterbury and the show.
Reflections on the non-industry dispute: a gradual unfolding of insights to the situation.
After four decades, I have a sense of (what is referred to among noble groups of aspirants as) The Thematic Technique. So maybe now I can take off the capitalization. Fripp is slow, but likely to keep going.
14.55 Down the garden I…
Off to dentistry in Evesham.
19.31 Re-directed along backstreets, away from the flooding. My usual route goes through Waterside, which would now be more accurately named InWater, very flooded. There is a former hotel, closed in the 2007 flooding, boarded up today.
Parking at the dentist and down to the Regal I…
… to collect a pair of spectacles from the lost property box, dropped there on our last visit.
The Regal: a highly recommended independent.
Returning to the dentist for regular maintenance, with current technology, via a secondhand bookshop and bibliophiliacal fondlings.
Returning to supper and the Cellar. E-flurrying enough. Practicing ahead.
00.21 Good developments with forms of the First Secondary. Enough.